Tutoring Social Sciences learning
Submitted: 2015-04-20
|Accepted: 2015-06-15
|Published: 2016-03-22
Tutoring, mentoring, self-learning, teaching task, innovation in education, students’ affairs
Supporting agencies:
This paper seeks to vindicate the role of mentoring in teaching, having proven to be a tremendous tool for effective communication and personal relationship with individual students. Exhibited an innovative educational experience conducted with students of degree in Early Childhood Education from the Universitat Jaume I, trying to promote the continuous character of the orientation process from the first years of training to adult life and employment, including the importance of enhancing the relation between the different educational levels.
We also wanted to expose that much more than the task of transmitting information and knowledge, mentoring is essential in all educational models that are based on self-learning new trends, including the Bologna process. Therefore, we believe that mentoring is the crux of a new learning model based on personal and professional autonomy. This approach to work is based on a philosophy of autonomous learning that aims to meet the need for cognitive maturation of university students and improve their educational guidance.
With this experience teaching innovation we have sought to improve our academic methodology, giving a strong weight to the tutoring, both onsite and virtual. We also have tried to encourage teamwork in groups and independent learning. Thanks to these improvements, we have continuously evaluated the students, while students self evaluate their learning process. In summary, the proposal of educational innovation that we have carried out has shown the need to promote a system of mentoring to advise, guide and support students in their learning process.
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