Peer Review Process

All research articles published in this journal have undergone a rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees, with a double-blind peer review system.

The manuscript review process takes approximately 6 months, depending on the availability of expert reviewers, the number of reviews required, and the editorial calendar.

1. Once the journal editorial team has verified that the article complies with the standards regarding style and content indicated in the authors' guidelines, it will be accepted or rejected. In the latter case, the author will be notified of the reasons for rejection. This internal evaluation can also recommend the author to introduce modifications to the article before undergoing the external evaluation process. If accepted by the Editorial Board, the article will be sent to two anonymous external evaluators.

The reviewers will have an academic and active profile in the field of research. The reviewers will have different academic affiliations from each other, they will also come from a different institution than the author.

2. The reviewers' evaluation report will take into account the interest in the article, its contribution to the research area, the news provided, the scientific rigor, the article's structure, its correct structure and writing, etc., indicating recommendations, if any, for its possible improvement. The time for a review report is approximately 6 weeks.

3. Based on the reviewers' recommendations, the authors will be informed of the reasoned result of the evaluation, which will address four options: publication without changes, publication with minor corrections, publication with important corrections, and not advisable for publication. Reviewers' comments will also be provided.

The editor will determine whether a reviewed manuscript meets the established review parameters. The editor may reject or request an additional review if it determines that a reviewed contribution does not meet the required requirements.

4. If the manuscript is accepted with modifications, the authors must resubmit a new version of the article, responding to the requirements and suggestions of the reviewers within the deadline dates of the production calendar.

5. Depending on the degree of compliance with the changes required by the reviewers, the editorial board will decide whether to publish the article. Once this decision is made, the author will receive the news.