SIG y Paisajes Virtuales en 3D. Posibilidades de divulgación de la Prehistoria Reciente de la Sierra de Atapuerca

Francisco Javier Marcos Sáiz


Universidad de Burgos

Área de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Burgos. España.

Accepted: 2016-03-08


Published: 2010-04-11




GIS, Landscape and virtual flying, DTM-3D, Late prehistory, Sierra de Atapuerca

Supporting agencies:

This research was not funded


Archaeology has developed several theoretical and methodological perspectives with the application of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Digital Terrain Models (DTM), Virtual Reality (VR) and the 3D Modelling. In the spreading a gradual progress has begun for mapping the sites on its environmental context with the virtual generation of the topographic and ecological features. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the possibilities of spreading of the settlement patterns in the Late Prehistory around Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos), VI to II millennium cal. BC-. The technical process is the modelling and 3D animation for video of Virtual Landscapes with GIS. The conclusion is that the Virtual Flying with GIS is a fundamental tool for the graphical spreading of the prehistoric settlement, especially with archaeological sites of surveys.


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