White lupin bran and its effects on the growth performance, carcass characteristics and digestibility of nutrients in fattening rabbits
rabbit, white lupine by-product, growth performance, carcass traits, digestibilityAbstract
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of including white lupin bran (WLB) in a fattening rabbit diet on growth, carcass traits and nutrient digestibility. The C diet (control) based on alfalfa meal, whereas the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets were based on white lupin bran (crude protein 152 g/kg, neutral detergent fibre 524 g/kg as-fed basis). The WLB 5 diet contained 50 g of white lupin bran/kg instead of 50 g of alfalfa meal/kg, whereas the WLB 15 diet contained 150 g of white lupin bran/kg, 5 g of soybean meal/kg and 10 g of sugar beet pulp/kg instead of 165 g of alfalfa meal/kg. The diets had similar digestible protein/digestible energy ratios. A total of 150 Hyplus rabbits between the ages of 30 to 73 d were randomly allocated into one of 3 groups and fed one of the 3 experimental diets. Additionally, another 30 Hyplus rabbits (10 per dietary treatment) at the age of 30 d were selected to determine coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of diets between 63 and 67 d of age. The dietary treatments did not affect the final live weight of rabbits (mean=2969 g). There was a higher feed intake (+30 g/d; P<0.001) in both groups of rabbits fed the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets compared to rabbits fed the C diet, which led to impaired feed conversion ratios (P<0.001). Sanitary risk index was not affected by dietary treatment. The rabbits fed the WLB 15 diet exhibited a higher drip loss percentage (+0.65%; P<0.001) than the rabbits fed the other diets, as well as a lower dressing-out percentage (by 1.6%; P=0.024). The CTTAD of the lignocellulose fraction (acid detergent fibre) was significantly higher in rabbits fed the WLB 5 and WLB 15 diets than in those fed the C diet. White lupin bran may be used as a dietary fibrous by-product without significant impairment of the nutritive value of the diet. This lupin by-product can be included in diets for fattening rabbits up to 15% as a partial replacement of alfalfa meal.
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