XXXV Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU
asescu, symposium, cunicultura, segoviaAbstract
The annual Congress of the Spanish Association of Cuniculture (ASESCU) was held in Segovia (Castilla y León) on 27-28th May of 2010. The 35th edition was devoted to analyse the actual situation of the rabbit sector. It was presented an overview of challenges for the future of the Spanish rabbit farms, a review of the competitive factors that affect the rabbit production, and the management systems to ensure food safety in rabbit farms. Moreover, the Technology Platform for Sustainable Agriculture, and a summary of the actions for the promotion of the rabbit meat consumption carried out by the Spanish Rabbit Interprofessional (INTERCUN) were presented in two different conferences. Furthermore, a total of 20 communications were presented in five working sessions. Pathology session analysed a vaccine candidate against RHD, blood lymphocyte populations in multiparous does, the efficacy of Timilcosin, and serological test of blood samples collected in filter paper. Reproduction session studied a new method for artificial insemination, the effect of sperm DNA fragmentation on fecundation ratio, and the effect of development on seminal parameters in bucks. Management and Welfare session included references about the need to carrying technical-economic management in the farms and the link between cage height and welfare. Nutrition session analysed feeding costs, the effect of birth weight and rearing diet on the reproduction of does, the effect of feeding restriction on the productive and pathological parameters of fattening rabbits, the use of barley and lucerne hay on performance of growing rabbits, the effect of dietary short-chain organic acids on performance of growing rabbits, and the influence of a liquid alimentary supplement on fattening rabbits. Morphophysiology and Body Composition session studied intestinal barrier mechanisms and bone content of wild rabbit carcass.
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