Evaluation of the sensory attributes along rabbit loin by a trained panel





loin, panel training, sensory evaluation, within muscle variation


The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify variation in sensory attributes along the Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle in rabbits. A descriptive analysis was performed by a panel of 8 assessors previously trained in the evaluation of rabbit meat. Reference standards used in training for the evaluation of rabbit meat are also described. Sensory attributes rabbit and liver odour, rabbit and liver flavour, toughness, juiciness and fibrousness were assessed in 56 rabbits from a divergent selection experiment for intramuscular fat (28 slaughtered at 9 wk and 28 slaughtered at 13 wk). Immediately after cooking, loins were cut lengthwise into 4 equidistant pieces from caudal to cranial end (LD1, LD2, LD3 and LD4). Assessors were able to detect and quantify a longitudinal sensory variation in muscle LD. Caudal extreme LD1 was tougher and more fibrous than LD2, LD3 and LD4, and less juicy than LD3 and LD4. The greatest variation was found between caudal and cranial ends, with LD1 being 9% tougher (P=0.99), 11% more fibrous (P=1.00) and 12% less juicy (P=0.99) than LD4. Assessors found few variations along LD muscle in flavour and odour attributes. Location LD3 showed 9% greater rabbit odour (P=0.99) and flavour (P=0.97) than LD4, and 8% greater rabbit odour than LD2 (P=0.97). Our results highlight the importance of randomisation within muscle location in sensory studies on rabbit LD muscle, as there is considerable sensory variation along this muscle.


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Author Biographies

Marina Martínez-Álvaro, Universitat Politècnica de València

Institute for Animal Science and Technology

Pilar Hernández, Universitat Politècnica de València

Institute for Animal Science and Technology


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