Milk production of pseudopregnant multiparous does.


  • Zs. Szendrő Kaposvár University
  • Zs. Matics Kaposvár University
  • G. Brecchia Universitá di Perugia
  • M. Theau-Clément INRA
  • Z. Nagy Kaposvár University
  • Z. Princz Kaposvár University
  • E. Biró-Németh Kaposvár University
  • I. Radnai Kaposvár University
  • I. Nagy Kaposvár University



rabbits, pseudopregnant, milk production


The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the milk production of pseudopregnant does. In this experiment, data of multiparous, inseminated, pregnant (IP, n=15) does and two groups of presumably pseudopregnant multiparous does: inseminated, non-pregnant (INP, n=17) and induced to ovulation by GnRH (1.5 μg per animal) at the day of insemination (11 d after parturition) (non-inseminated, ovulating: NIO, n=15) were analysed. The progesterone level was measured at the 12th d after treatment to determine if females were pseudopregnant. All IP and NIO does were pregnant and pseudopregnant, respectively. Within the INP group, 10 and 7 does were diagnosed as positive (INPO) or negative (INPNO) for pseudopregnancy. Two of the INPNO does perished during lactation. The average milk production of groups IP, INP and NIO was 212, 92 and 72 g/d, respectively (P<0.001). The proportion of rabbit does reaching daily milk yields of <10, 10-50, 50-100, 100-160, >160 g in the various groups were: IP=0, 0, 0, 0 and 100%, NIO=20, 13, 27, 40 and 0%, INP=15, 15, 15, 55 and 0%, respectively. The daily milk yield of the 5 INPNO does was 2, 6, 27, 84 and 139 g, respectively. These results demonstrated that multiparous empty does, pseudopregnant or non-pseudopregnant, can produce milk, but in lower quantities than multiparous does after kindling.


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Author Biographies

Zs. Szendrő, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

Zs. Matics, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

G. Brecchia, Universitá di Perugia

Dipartimento di Scienze Biopathologiche ed Igiene delle Produzioni Animali, Sezione di Fisiologia Veterinaria. Laboratorio di Biotechnologie Fisiologiche

M. Theau-Clément, INRA

Station d’Amélioration Génétique des Animaux

Z. Nagy, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

Z. Princz, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

E. Biró-Németh, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

I. Radnai, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science

I. Nagy, Kaposvár University

Faculty of Animal Science


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