Growth performance of broiler rabbits maintained on diets with varying levels of energy and protein
The growth study was conducted with nine groups of six weaner kits each maintained on three levels of energy (2585, 2778, 3043 kcal DE/kg) and protein (16.07, 19.69, 22.70 %) in nine combinations. Weaning weight o kits was similar at the initiation of the experiment and in ad libitum feeding regimen, irrespective of energy and protein variation the kits were able to achieve 2 kg finishing weight at 12 weeks of age, with total gain of 1.5 to 1.8 kg and average daily gain of 27 to 32 g. Total feed consumad during the experiment and DMI (g/d) was higher (P<0.01) in low energy (6.83 kg, 114.9 g/d) followed by medium (6.58 kg, 113.3 g/d) and was lowest in high energy (5.5 kg, 95.1 g/d) regimens. Digestibilities of DM, CP and energy increased (P<0.01) with increase in energy content of the diets whereas on expression in terms of protein variation only digestibility of protein increased with increase of protein content. AH the kits were in positiva N balance and it was higher (P<0.05) in high protein (2.17 g) followed by medium (1 .99 g) and low (1.68 g) protein regimen, whereas expressed in terms of energy variation the balance was found to be similar. The regression of average daily gain on the ratio of digestible energy and cruda protein intake of the diets indicated non significant effects of the ratio on average daily gain. lt was found that on an average the growing kits required 91 g DM, 13 g DCP and 255 Kcal DE/kg wº· 75 to gain @ of 28 g/day.
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