Rabbit coccidiosis and its control : a review
Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species, is a major parasitic disease of rabbits and is responsible for a high incidence of morbidity and mortalitv. The incidence of this disease in European countries in 21-60% and in India 13-64%. In commercially reared rabbits; coccidiosis occurs .in a subclinical form with growth retardation and altered feed conversion. The disease occurs in two forms, hepatic and intestinal, the latter being more common than the former. Presently, the control of rabbit coccidiosis relies almost entirely on chemical coccidiostats. However, extensive use of such drugs in commercial rabbitries has already started creating problems of drug resistance. In view of the limitations of chemotherapy, it is imperative to develop immunoprophylactic measures against rabbit coccidiosis. These include development of live-attenuated and recombinant vaccines against the parasite.
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