The Chinese rabbit production


  • M. Colin Ralston Purina Europe Inc.



The exact origins of rabbit domestication in China are still not very well known, and different hypotheses regarding them have been formulated. Globally, the Chinese rabbit production is mainly angora wool production orientad. This represents a value 2,5 times higher than meat and an important part of the meat comes from young angora rabbits. Nevertheless, a high number of meat proauct1on orientad rabbit farms exist in China. From a geographic point of view, the rabbit is developed mainly in Sichuan and near the coast. Globally, more than 90 % of the rabbit production comes from little farms with only few does even if sorne big rabbits farms also exist. Rabbit meat production is very popular in certain areas as in Sichuan, but appears to practically unknown in many other regions. The main market for Chinese rabbit meat is export from which the amount is about 40000 tons/year sold mainly in the EEC. The angora wool exports are very important also and China is the absoluta leader of this market. China produces a total of 120 000 tons/year of rabbit meat and 6 000 tons/year of angora wool consequently, the rabbit sector is very important for Chinese economy and besides its contribution to increase meat and fibre availability within the country, it provides hard currency incomes of about 2 billions dollars/year. 


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