Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting milk production and preweaning litter traits of New Zealand white does under egyptian conditions


  • M.S. Ayyat Zagazig University
  • I.F.M. Marai Zagazig University
  • Gh.A. El-Sayiad Zagazig University



To study the genetic and non genetic factors affecting doe milk production and preweaning litter performance, 519 litters of New Zealand White raboit were used. Sire significantly (P<0.05) affected milk yield of the first week only, while doe affected significantly (P<0.01) milk yield of most of the experimental penods except the fourth week which was insignificantly affected. Milk yield was the highest in the second parity. Season of kindling affected significantly (P<0.01) milk yield in most of the weeks of the study, except the fourth which was insignificantly affected and showed the lowest yield at summer. Litter size at birth affected significantly (P<0.01) milk yield which increased by the increase of the number of young at birth. The peak of milk production was 155.3 g/day at the third week of lactation. Sire affected insignificantly most of preweaning performances traits studied except litter size at birtfl (P<0.05). Doe affected significantly (P<0.01) litter size and weight at birth and weaning. Parity affected significantly (P<0.01) each of litter size and weight at weaning as well as preweaning mortality. Season of kindling affected rnsignificantly litter size and weight at birth and significantly (P<0.01) at weaning. Days open (from kindling to fertile mating) showed highly s1gnificant (P<0.01) effects on all preweaning litter traits studied. Each of heritability and repeatability estimates for milk yield and litter performance traits studied were, in general, low.


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Author Biographies

M.S. Ayyat, Zagazig University

Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Agryculture

I.F.M. Marai, Zagazig University

Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Agriculture

Gh.A. El-Sayiad, Zagazig University

Department of Animal Production. Faculty of Agriculture


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