European reference method for in vivo determination of diet digestibility in rabbits
This paper describes a standardized method for in vivo determination of total digestibility in rabbits. This method was working out within the European Group on Rabbit Nutrition (EGRAN) which involves six laboratories from five countries (Belgium, France, ltaly, Portugal and Spain). The aim of the group was to propose a method at once reliable, quick and- simple. This new rnethod can be regarded as a baseline for calibrating individual laboratory procedures. The method is based on 7 to 8 weeks old rabbits caged individually and fed ad libitum. The pre-experimental period lasts 7 days and the collection period only 4 days. For either feed and faeces, standardized conditions of sampling and drying are described.
PEREZ J.M., BOURDILLON A., JARRIN D., LAMBOLEY B., LEBAS F., LE NAOUR J., WIDIEZ J.L., 1994. Application de la méthode européenne standardisée de mesure in vivo de la valeur énergétique des aliments destinés au lapin : comparaisons inter-laboratoires. 6èmes Journ. Rech. Cunicole Fr., La Rochelle, 6-7 Décembre 1994, pp. 365-374. ITAVI Ed., Paris
PEREZ J.M., CERVERA C., FALCAO E CUNHA L., MAERTENS L., VILLAMIDE M.J., XICCATO G., 1995. European ring-test on in vivo determintation of digetibility in rabbits : reproducibility of a reference method compared with individual laboratory procedures. World Rabbit Sci., 3 (2) (in press).
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