Effect of oral administration of yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) on digestibility and growth performance of rabbits fed diets of different fibre content
Thirty two laboratory strain New Zealand White rabbits aged about 6 weeks were divided into 4 equal groups. Rabbits were fed diets of 9. 73 % (/DM) fibre in group 1 and 2, and 12.86 % fibre in group 3 and 4. Yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at a rate of 5 x 10a cells /animal /day was given orally to group 1 and 3. Dry matter intake was significantly (P<0.01) higher in the rabbits given high fibra diet but tlie digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, ether extract, nitrogen free extract and feed conversion efficiency were significantly better in the animals given low fibre diet. Adminisfration of yeast culture had no effect on weight gain or digestibility of nutrients.
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