Olive oil cake incorporation for young rabbit feeding
Two trials have been done to test the incorporation of olive oil cake in diets of growing rabbits. The first trial has been realized on 48 rabbits of both sexes. Measurements of diets digestibility have been done at the age of 12 weeks. No significant differences were observecf for organic matter digestibility (70.6 to 73.8 %). The average daiíy gain (g/d), between 5 and 11 weeks was 34, 1 vs 35,5 and 33,6 for, respectively, the diets T (O% olive cake) ; G1 (11,5 % olive cake) and G2 (23,0 % ohve cake). The feed etficiency was respectively 3.43, 3.38 and 3.47. On the second tria!, done on diets T and G2, with 140 growing rabbits, the A.D.G. was 23,9 for the diet T and 26,0 for G2. The conversion rate was respectively 3.1 and 2.8. At the end of each tria!, carcass qualities have been measured on sorne subjects.
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