Effect of two diets with varied starch and fibre levels on the performances of 4-7 weeks old rabbits
1200 weaned crossbred rabbits, individually controlled, were fed ad libitum on Diet A (16.4 % starch, 15.3 % CF) or Diet B (24.8 % starch, 11.6 % CF) from 28 to 49 days of age. Uve weight gain was not affected by diet (37.7 g/day). Feed intake and leed conversion were higher with Diet A (95.5 vs 84.5 g/day and 2.55 VS 2.27 g/g, P<0.001). Mortality was however lower with this diet (4.7 vs 8.0 %, P<0.05). Another group of 60 rabbits was slaughtered at 38 or 49 days of age, the starch content of their digesta at the distal ileum and caecum was determinad. Starcfí content of ileal digesta and its difference with that of caecal digesta variad with diet (higher in Diet B, P<0.001) and age (higfíer at 38 days, P<0.001); interaction between diet and age was also detectad (P<0.05), since the difference between diets was larger at the earlier age.
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