Fattening Hyla rabbits with a residual substratum from the production of edible mushroom Pleurotus Pulmonarius
In order to close the technological chain: cereals - fungi - meat, the possibility of using the substratum of the production of Pleurotus pulmonarius in the nutrition of rabbits in investigated. Sixty male Hyla rabbits, aged 30 days divided in tour equal group (A, B, C, D) were included in trial. They were fed 9 weeks ad libitum on one of the 4 pelleted feeds, comprising O%, 10 %, 20 or 30 %, respectively of the substratum left after production of Pleurotus pulmonarius. According to the results of the feeding part of the trial, the rabbits of all the groups consumad their diets and grew normally (23-24 g/day). Sorne occasional individual differences didn't influence significantly their average food conversion (3.9 - 4.2) nor total weight gain (P>0.05). The meat was organolepticaly good, as it was expected from the chemical analysis results. So fattening Hyla rabbits with diets partially composed of the substratum of the production of Pleurotus pulmonarius up to 30 % is justified because it doesn't influence significantly the investigated parameters.
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