Effect of light duratlon on breeding peñormance of nulllparous female rabbit reared in Guadeloupe (French West lndles)


  • E. Deprés I.N.R.A.
  • Michèle Theau-Clement I.N.R.A.
  • O. Lorvelec I.N.R.A.




In the present experiment, we compared reproductive performance of nulliparous rabbit does exposed to one of two light treatments designated as experimental group (N = 41 ) and control group (N = 40). In the experimental group, rabbits were exposed to 7 days extended light (+ 6 hours) befare mating. Control group were exposed to natural photoperiod (12 L. : 12 D.). Receptivity to the male, colour and size of the vulva were tested every days far 4 days. Receptivity to the male, the proportion of coloured and size of the vulva were significantly higher among the experimental group than the control. However, the breeding performance were not significantly different. lt was concluded that the exposure of young female rabbit to extended light may serve as useful technique to improve management of the first mating in the tropics. 


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