lnfluence of the dietary inclusion of vinasse, containing a high content of yeast cellwalls, on the performance of growing rabbits


  • L. Maertens Centre de Recherche Agronomique
  • R. Ducatelle Université de Gand
  • G. De Groote Centre de Recherche Agronomique




A special type of vinasse (EX16) , with a high content of yeast cellwalls, was incorporated in the pelleted diet of fattening rabbits at rates of 0-4 or 8 %, replacing cane molasses or cane molasses and beet pulp. One hundred-thirty-five weaned rabbits, caged per three , were assigned to a complete block design and fed one of the experimental diets ad libitum between days 35 and 69 of age. Results showed a high, but comparable daily weight gain : 46.9 g (control group), 47.1 g (4 % vinasse) and 46.3 g (8 % vinasse), respectively. Feed conversion ratio was less favourable (P<0.05) with the vinasse containing diets, due to the decreased energy content. The slaughter yields were nearly equal between treatments. No signs of toxicity were found , either on the animals (mortality, signs of diarrhoea) or at the level of the liver or kidneys. Pellet quality of the 4 % diet was somewhat worser ; on the contrary, the diet with 8 % vinasse delivered less meal during the durability test, compared to the control diet. lt was concluded that this special type of vinasse (EX16) can be used without any risk in fattening diets, at least at a rate of 4 %. 


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