A study of growth and some blood parameters in Czech rabbits
rabbit, genetic resources, population size, growth performanceAbstract
The aims of this study were to describe selected performance characteristics of Czech local breeds and to compare these breeds with a commercial hybrid. Seven original Czech breeds were included in the study: the giant breed Moravian Blue (MB), the medium breeds Czech White (CW), Czech Spotted (CS), Czech Solver (CSo), Moravian White of Brown Eye (MW) and the small breeds Czech Black Guard Hair (CB) and Czech Gold (CG) and the Hyplus rabbits. Growth of the rabbits was significantly (P=0.001) affected by genotype; MB and CW breeds grew non-significantly faster than Hyplus. The highest daily weight gain was observed in MB (42.6 g/d) and the lowest was in CB (23.9 g/d). Digestibility of ether extract was significantly (P=0.001) affected by genotype, with the lowest value for MB (0.823). Slaughter characteristics mostly correlated with live weight; the highest dressing-out percentage was in the small breed CG (62.0%) and the lowest in the Hyplus rabbit (57.0%). Of the biochemical traits evaluated, only cholesterol concentration was significantly (P=0.041) affected by genotype, with the highest values observed in Hyplus rabbits (4.2 mmol/L).
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