Reproductive performance of male rabbits of algerian local population


  • D.J. Cherfaoui
  • M. Theau-Clement INRA
  • N. Zerrouki Département d’Agronomie Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Mouloud Mammeri
  • M. Berchiche Laboratoire de Biochimie Analytique et Biotechnologies, Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Mouloud Mammeri



rabbit, Algerian local population, buck, reproduction


A total of 267 rabbit does and 46 bucks from a local Algerian population were controlled during 6 generations (from G0 to G5) at the experimental farm of the University of Tizi-Ouzou. Natural mating was used and 1412 presentations were analysed. Reproductive and growing performance were analysedtaking into account the effect of the buck, its age, the generation, the season of mating (or kindling) and the physiological status of does at the moment of the mating. The buck influenced the acceptance rate(

P<0.001), kindling rate (P=0.032), litter size at birth and at weaning (P<0.001), litter weight at birth (P<0.001)and at weaning (P=0.034), the mean weaning weight (P=0.018) and consequently the ponderal productivity at weaning (weight of rabbits produced at weaning/mating, P<0.001). Nevertheless, the ponderal productivity was also influenced by the age of bucks, the generation, the season and the physiological status of does at the moment of mating. The highest acceptation rate was recorded in autumn in non lactating does (primiparous and multiparous). Productivity was higher for bucks 5-10 mo old but decreased thereafter.Productivity was higher in spring, particularly for multiparous and lactating does and highly varied with the generation, evidencing the importance of environmental conditions.


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