Resilient and sustainable modular system for temporary sheltering in emergency condition
Resilience, Modularity, Industrialized Building System, Emergency Management, Temporary shelterAbstract
During the hazard impact, it is very important to manage the emergency condition. Temporary sheltering is one of the preliminary and main requirements of disaster management. COVID 19 poses the necessity of using fast and modular temporary sheltering in the crowded cities to improve treating and curing services for the hospitals. However, successful emergency management for current societies is achievable if the resilience approach has been implemented in all procedures of emergency management. The concept of resilience could make a new sense of motivation in disaster management while recent research shows that resilience makes a significant improvement in the traditional approach of safety and security during disasters. Temporary shelters play an important role in the temporary settlement and also commanding the emergency condition during a disaster period. This study aims to develop a resilient modular design of shelters based on a sustainable industrialized Building system (IBS) under the main critical success factors with the approach of resilience and sustainability. Critical success factors (CSFs), resilience and sustainability criteria are extracted from literature and the CSFs are evaluated based on the questionnaire survey and using VIKOR as a multi-criteria decision-making method. The reduction of mortar usage, IBS, and Interconnected structure are the most impressive factors. Based on these factors, the symmetric orthogonal modular system was selected. The robustness of the selected system was calculated under the explosive load test. Interconnectivity, modularity, mortar-less erecting, disassembling and reassembling abilities are some of the advantages. They improve rapidity, transformability of this structure following capacities of resilience.
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