Digital reconstruction of historic roof structures: developing a workflow for a highly automated analysis
historical timber structures, LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), point clouds, digital reconstruction, beam frameAbstract
Planning on adaptive reuse, maintenance and restoration of historic timber structuresrequiresextensive architectural and structural analysis of the actual condition. Current methods for a modellingof roof constructions consist of several manual steps including the time-consuming dimensional modelling. The continuous development of terrestrial laser scanners increases the accuracy, comfort and speed of the surveying work inroof constructions. Resultingpoint clouds enabledetailed visualisation of theconstructionsrepresented by single points or polygonal meshes, but in fact donot containinformation about the structural system and the beam elements. The developed workflow containsseveral processing steps on the point cloud dataset. The most important among them arethenormal vector computation, the segmentation of points to extract planarfaces, a classification of planarsegmentsto detect the beam side facesand finally theparametric modelling of the beams on the basis of classified segments. Thisenablesa highly automated transitionfrom raw point cloud data to a geometric model containing beams of the structural system. The geometric model,as well as additional information about the structural properties of involved wooden beams and their joints,is necessaryinput for a furtherstructural modellingof timber constructions. The results of the workflow confirm that the proposed methods work well for beams with a rectangularcross-section and minor deformations. Scan shadows and occlusionof beamsby additional installationsor interlockingbeamsdecreases the modelling performance, but in generala high level ofaccuracy and completeness isachieved ata high degree of automation
Highlights:This article presents a novel approach to automated reconstruction of beam structures by modelling geometry from segmented point clouds.
Wooden beams are modelled as cuboids, thus a rectangular cross-section with minor deformation is required.
An accuracy of less than 1 cm can be reached for modelled beams, compared to the reference LiDAR point cloud.
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