From Photogrammetry to the dissemination of archaeological heritage using game engines: Menga case study


  • José L. Caro Universidad de Málaga
  • Salvador Hansen Universidad de Málaga



, Photogrammetry, Game-engines, 3d, Prehistory, Archaeology


Everyone knows the importance of new technologies and the growth they have had in mobile devices. Today in the field of study and dissemination of cultural heritage (including archaeological), the use of digital 3D models and associated technologies are a tool to increase the registration quality and consequently a better basis for interpretation and dissemination for cultural tourism, education and research. Within this area is gaining positions photogrammetry over other technologies due to its low cost. We can generate 3D models from forografí as through a set of algorithms that are able to obtain very approximate models and very realistic textures. In this paper we propose the use of game-engines to incorporate one element diffusion: the ability to navigate the 3D model realistically. As a case study we use a Menga dolmen that will serve as a study and demonstration of the techniques employed. 


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Author Biographies

José L. Caro, Universidad de Málaga

Computer Science Department, ETSI Informática, University of Malaga, Malaga. Spain

Salvador Hansen, Universidad de Málaga

Facultad de Turismo, University of Malaga, Malaga. Spain


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How to Cite

Caro, J. L., & Hansen, S. (2015). From Photogrammetry to the dissemination of archaeological heritage using game engines: Menga case study. Virtual Archaeology Review, 6(12), 58–68.


