Application of photogrammetry and laser scanner on the Bronze Age structures of the Castillejos de Luna cist tomb necropolis (Pizarra, Spain)




virtual archaeology, megalithism, cultural heritage, documentation, photogrammetry, laser scanning


The cist tombs necropolis at Castillejos de Luna, in Sierra de Gibralmora-Sierra del Hacho (Pizarra, Málaga, Spain) was known from the graphic documentation and the grave goods of two tombs. New studies have documented nine burials. The aim of this article is to present the new virtualisation work that has been carried out in the necropolis, to generate a new three-dimensional (3D) documentation of the currently known records, which are in acceptable visibility conditions. Using tools to document tombs in 3D offers us great advances in data acquisition and editing, with great precision and realism, thanks to the 3D models generated through techniques such as photogrammetry or laser scanning. Thanks to these tools, it is possible to carry out studies on digital twins and use them as informative material for society. The study this paper describes has generated high quality products for dissemination and future analysis. The results shown here are of metric character, with orientation and geographical location of the structures. In addition, in one of the tombs the authors show the combination of photogrammetric techniques with laser scanners to obtain a single high-resolution 3D model; subsequently a retopology process is carried out to achieve a "light" model with a photorealistic appearance that is both easily manipulated on mobile devices for its dissemination and a guarantee that the general public can enjoy this necropolis in a different way. The preliminary results are published in the web repository of 3D models Sketchfab, where the users can see a preview of one of the tombs before and after being optimised with retopology through Blender. The authors provide a socio-historical analysis of Bronze Age necropolises in central Andalusia, within the framework of a debate on the western expansion of the El Argar Culture.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Muñoz-Muñoz, Universidad de Cádiz

He holds a degree in History and a master's degree in Prehistory and Archaeology. He is a member of the Research Group PAI HUM 440. Specialist in virtual archaeology. He is currently working as an archaeologist and is working on his doctoral thesis about New contributions to the graphic, documentary and architectural study of funerary manifestations in the Geohistoric Region of the Strait of Gibraltar during Recent Prehistory.

Diego Fernández-Sánchez, Universidad de Cádiz

He is PhD by the Department of History, Geography and Philosophy, University of Cádiz (Spain), where he is a member in the Research Group PAI HUM-440. He is specialist in Prehistoric Art of Southern Spain, particularly in the Palaeolithic period of the inner and coastal contexts of Cádiz. In the last years, he has been actively leading several projects regarding Palaeolithic archaeological sites, both in its material and ideological aspects.

Eduardo Vijande-Vila, Universidad de Cádiz

He is PhD, is an archaeologist specialized in the study of prehistoric societies of the geohistorical region of Gibraltar Strait. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Cadiz and a member of the Research Group PAI HUM 440 and The Marine Research Institute (University of Cádiz).

Serafín Becerra-Martín, IES Itaba

He is a PhD in the University of Cádiz. Archaeologist specializing in recent prehistory in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, with a line of research in archaeometric analysis of lithic raw materials. Currently, I am focused on the study of funerary contexts between the 6th and 2nd millennium BC.

Juan Jesús Cantillo-Duarte, Universidad de Cádiz

He is a professor of Prehistory at the Department of History, Geography and Philosophy, University of Cádiz (Spain), where he is a member of the Research Group PAI HUM 440 and The Marine Research Institute (University of Cádiz). He is a specialist in archaeozoology, especially marine mollusc seashells in the prehistory of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Salvador Domínguez-Bella, Universidad de Cádiz

He is a doctor in Geology and Full Professor of Crystallography and Mineralogy at the UCA. Scientific manager of the XRD-FRX Division and scientific manager of the UGEA-PHAM, and member of the PAI-HUM-440 group. He has been visiting professor at the universities of Sonora, UNAM, and Lisbon, Calabria, Rennes, Nantes (Erasmus). He works in Archaeometry of archaeological materials from different periods, Geoarchaeology and studies of Historical-Artistic Heritage, with a special interest in archaeomineralogy.

Virgilio Martínez Enamorado, Universidad de Málaga

He is a doctor in Medieval History from the University of Malaga and has a diploma in Arabic. Associate professor at the University of Malaga, he has been a researcher hired by the CSIC at the School of Arab Studies in Granada. His field of study is the history, historiography, archaeology and epigraphy of al-Andalus and the medieval Maghreb, a subject to which he has dedicated more than 50 monographs as author and editor. He is the scientific coordinator of the excavations carried out in the Sierra de Gibralmora.

Pedro Cantalejo Duarte, Cueva de Ardales

Investigador Senior

María del Mar Espejo-Herrerías, ArdalesTur


José Suárez-Padilla, Universidad de Málaga

He is a professor in the Prehistory Area of the Department of Historical Sciences at the University of Málaga. His preferred line of research focuses on the study of the Phoenician presence in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, and its relationship with the native populations of the late Bronze Age. He is the director of the international archaeological excavation project at Cerro del Villar (Malaga). He has been a researcher on the German-French ARCHEOSTRAITS project, focused on the study of the early Iron Age on the northern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Juan Antonio Martín-Ruiz, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

External advisor

José Ramos-Muñoz, Universidad de Cádiz

He is a PhD in History, Archaeologist and professor of Prehistory. Member of the German Archaeological Institute. He is director of the Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Prehistoria y Arqueología Social and researcher in charge of the PAI-HUM-440 group. He has been Erasmus professor at the universities of Algarve, Cologne, Rennes, Nantes and Paris. He works on the study of Pleistocene hunter-gatherer and Holocene communal tribal societies in the geohistoric region of the Strait of Gibraltar.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Muñoz, A., Fernández-Sánchez, D., Vijande-Vila, E., Becerra-Martín, S., Cantillo-Duarte, J. J., Domínguez-Bella, S., Martínez Enamorado, V., Rengel Castro, F., Cantalejo Duarte, P., Espejo-Herrerías, M. del M., Suárez-Padilla, J., Martín-Ruiz, J. A., & Ramos-Muñoz, J. (2023). Application of photogrammetry and laser scanner on the Bronze Age structures of the Castillejos de Luna cist tomb necropolis (Pizarra, Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 14(29), 26–44.




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