Integration and workflow framework for virtual visualisation of cultural heritage. Revisiting the tell of Çukuriçi Höyük, Turkey
interdisciplinarity, workflow, virtual cultural heritage, 3D visualisation, frameworkAbstract
This article sets a framework for computer-based visualisations of cultural heritage sites. The project focuses on a workflow for a visualisation illustrated on a specific solution for the site of Çukuriçi Höyük, a tell settlement in Turkey. With the virtual presentation, an interdisciplinary research group tries to offer complex scientific results to the general public as well as to experts. The team utilised data acquisition and communication techniques, interpretative approaches, and dissemination methods. The three-dimensional (3D) outcome is based on a large amount of scientific data, usually available only via analogue or digital publications for a specialised audience. The work focused on constructed and personal authenticity to reach the viewer’s feelings. As an interpretative narrative, the daily lives of the inhabitants were selected. A communication plan was constructed, and a video animation with narration and a musical background was selected as the most appropriate communication tool. The movie was divided into four chapters (Introduction, Neolithic Period, Chalcolithic Period and Early Bronze Age Period). A separate webpage was designed to provide additional information when the video is viewed online. The webpage was divided into tabs that describe each chapter and three additional topics (Visualisation Process, Further Reading, and Credits). The video was shared in different settings, e.g. at public talks and on social media. The process resulted in a complex workflow that consists of several stages: data acquisition, first interpretation, 3D model creation, communication plan, second interpretation, 3D model adjustment, and dissemination output. Each stage of the workflow serves as an example to show the types of nodes these parts can include. The result is a flexible framework with predefined process stages, which can be re-used for similar projects.
Computer-aided visualisations bring hidden cultural heritage to life –an individual outcome for Çukuriçi Höyük, a tell settlement in Turkey.
The interdisciplinary team combined data acquisition and communication techniques, interpretative approaches, and dissemination methods for achieving the best result.
Integrative framework optimises the information and communication potential of virtual visualisations with the help of pre-defined workflow stages.
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