Author Guidelines
Review the Assignment to get information about the "short-paper" to submit.
Preparation of Manuscripts
Papers must be written in English, following current usage. Spelling should follow that of the Oxford Dictionary.
Manuscripts should be written with wide margins and be double spaced. Pages should be numbered. Lines should be numbered to help the refereeing procedure.
Font: Use Times New Roman font with a type size of 12 points.
Units: The International System of Units should be used. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius.
First Page: Should include the Running Head, the title of the paper, the names of the authors and a running head consisting of not more than 50 letters and spaces.
Headings: Major headings (Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References) are centered and appear in bold type capitalized. First subheadings appear at the left margin on a separate line in bold type and are followed by punctuation. Second subheadings appear in italics at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph.
Illustrations: All the illustrations (figures and tables) should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and be accompanied by adequate titles and, if necessary, table footnotes. Figures should also be numbered with Arabic numerals, and the title given on the same sheet. Figure legends should be explicit so that the illustrations are comprehensible without reference to the text.
Citations: Citations should be made in lower case. Apart from reviews, the number of citations should be minimised; select only the most pertinent ones. When two or more citations are included in a grouping within a sentence, the citations must be arranged in chronological order, and if needed, alphabetically within the year. For two authors "and" (e.g. Blasco and Ouhayoun, 1996) has to be employed; but for three and more authors cited "et al.", has to be used (e.g. Coudert et al., 1992). If, two papers abbreviate identically in the text, place a different letter after the date for each paper, both in the text and in the references list (e.g. Lebas et al., 1992a)
Paper Section
ABSTRACT: The abstract should be written in a single paragraph. It should be informative, containing the main numeric results. The abstract should be understandable without reference to the paper. No references should be given in the abstract. The abstract will have a maximum of 350 words.
KEY WORDS: List up to a maximum of six key words at the end of the abstract.
INTRODUCTION: The introduction briefly justifies the research and specifies the hypotheses to be tested. Extensive discussion of the relevant literature should be included in the discussion of the results, not in the introduction. To minimise length and avoid redundancy, no more than three references should be cited to support a specific concept.
MATERIALS AND METHODS used should be given in enough detail to permit the reader to repeat the experiment. If some methods refer to other published papers, they should be accessible by the normal reader.
RESULTS (may be combined with discussion) should be presented in graphics or tabular form when feasible. The text should explain or elaborate on the presented data, but numbers should not be normally repeated within the text. Figures should not repeat the information given in tables.
Mean and standard error (or standard deviation) must be expressed with the same degree of accuracy. The same applies for credibility intervals in Bayesian analyses. Some examples are listed below:
2452 ± 43; 0.732 ± 0.021; 7.500 ± 0.015; 9750 ± 240; 9.75 ± 0.24
In a normal situation, the standard error, or the credibility intervals in the Bayesian case, are expressed by two significant digits, e.g. 35 or 0.35 or 0.0035. Examples for a rabbit live weight:
1756 ± 25 g or 1.756 ± 0.025 kg.
DISCUSSION (may be combined with results and with conclusions) should interpret the results integrating literature results with the research findings to provide the reader with a basis on which to accept or reject the hy potheses tested. At the end, the discussion may also include technical or economical implications when suitable.
CONCLUSIONS (may be combined with discussion): Main technical or economical implications can be written separately in a paragraph of conclusions when suitable.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: When appropriate, names of technical assistants, funding organisations, research grants, and other thanks must be included, in Acknowledgements.
REFERENCES LIST: The references should be given in full with the name and forename initial(s) of the author(s), year, full title of the article, and journal of publication with indication of the volume, first and last page of the article. In the list of references, the order should be alphabetical with papers by the same authors arranged in the order 1) single author, 2) two authors alphabetically according to the name of the second author, and 3) three or more authors chronologically with a,b,c etc. for papers published in the same year.
Names of authors are in lower case, name of the journal and number of the journal in italics. Transcriptions from non-Latin alphabets must be written between square brackets. Some examples are given below.
Adamson I., Fisher H. 1973. Aminoacid requirements of the growing rabbit: an estimate of quantitative needs. J. Nutr., 103: 1306-1310.
Colin M., 1993. Rabbit production in East European countries. World Rabbit Sci., 1: 37-52.
EC Council. 2002. Regulation laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption. No. 1774/2002/EC, 3 October 2002. Off. J. Eur. Comm., 10 October 2002, L 273, 1-95.
ISTAT. 2007. Dati mensili sulla macellazione delle carni bianche. Istituto nazionale di statistica. Anni 2004-2008. Available at: Accessed January 2009.
Italian Law. 1993. Attuazione della direttiva 93/119/CE relativa alla protezione degli animali durante la macellazione e l’abbattimento. Decreto Legislativo No 33, 1 September 1988. Gazzetta Ufficiale, 28 September 1998, No 226.
Koehl P.F. 1988. The performances of rabbit production units followed through technical and economical management. In Proc.: 4th World Rabbit Congress, 10-14 October, 1988. Budapest, Hungary. 1: 318- 325.
Lebas F., Coudert P., Rouvier R., de Rochambeau H. 1986. The rabbit, breeding and pathology. F.A.O., Rome, Italy.
SAS. 1988. SAS/STAT User's Guide (Release 6.03). SAS Inst. Inc., Cary NC, USA.
Smith J.E., Lang G.H. 1992. Composition of rabbit blood. In: Foster R.P., Manners G.P.R. (ed). Biology of mammals. Boff Inc., Corronsac SD, USA, 789-792.
Yu B., Chio P.W.S., Young C.L., Huang H.H. 1987.[A study of rabbit T-type canula and ileal digestibility]. J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci., 16, 73-81.