De la incoherencia a la congruencia pasando por la traducción
Coherence, consistency, communicative “noise”Abstract
This paper aims to analyse some translation cases in which certain features of the source message do have an influence on the translator’s attitude towards the text. In these situations, translators are required to make an extra effort and this will have a negative effect on both sides: The author and the source text on one hand, and the audience and the target text on the other. The mathematical theory of communication will be applied in our study. This approach has been widely used in order to design efficient schemes for cases in which information is transferred through specific channels and where the message is distorted by the presence of “noise”. This element modifies the original signal and creates a different output in the reception of the message. Following the analysis of the different parameters involved in the translation process, we aim to design a new model for the translation activity from the point of view of the translator. The creation of a model is even more important when dealing with the translation of information (in this case legal texts), since here the “noise” in the transmission of the message does not only disrupt the reception of the information: It can even modify the message and make it inconsistent, resulting in a communicative failure.
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