Towards a faceted taxonomy to structure web-genre corpora


  • Joseba Ezeiza Ramos Universidad del País Vasco
  • Xavier Payá Ruiz Universidad del País Vasco
  • Agurtzane Elordui Urkiza Universidad del País Vasco
  • Imanol Epelde Pagola Universidad del País Vasco



Web-genres, applied linguistics, corpus-linguistics, multifaceted analysis, journalism


The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the analysis of cyberjournalistic documents by proposing a taxonomy to structure web-genre corpora. It takes into account the peculiarities of this field, the new genres, their hybridization and complexness. In this sense, the taxonomy presented in this paper does not match a single theoretical framework, but it tries to gather the guidelines of various works intended to study online journalism and its genres. This theoretical flexibility is needed to set up a proposal good enough to suit the current needs of the area. The paper also describes the main axes of the taxonomy, defines its communication unit and remarks the values and limitations of such a work. Its result is a highly structured and document-oriented database, a tool that will enable users to understand the current trends, to create new hybrids, and to detect the changes that happen within this field that is widening the horizons of the usage of language. 


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