Analisi prosodico dell’italiano parlato per spagnoli: il caso delle interrogative polari


  • Empar Devís Universitat de València



Prosody, communication, transfer


In this work we propose to present the prosodic features characteristic of the interrogatives yes/no of the spanish who learned italian as a foreign language. The two varieties considered for evaluation are the Italian variety of Venice, Madrid and the Spanish variety. Both have already been studied in the past, however, as far as I know, this is the first study that systematically puts compared in a comprehensive way. This description of the transfer is strongest fundamental in education for the teachers involved in teaching Italian as a foreign language are aware of the fact that the L1 prosodic features are very strong and difficult subject to conscious control of the speaker. In this sense it will be important to take into account when they start to offer models of orality to spanish speakers.


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