Intentionality to solve content and anaphoric references in the written commentary of a literary text in high school


  • Ernesto Hernández Rodríguez Instituto de Educación Media Superior del Distrito Federal, Ciudad de México



anaphora, writing, intentionality, self-regulation, informativity, high school


This paper presents a descriptive characterization of intentionality of high school students’ performances, when trying to solve ambiguities in contents and intra and extratextual anaphoric referential relationships in their written comments of a literary text. Anaphora is the grammatical, referential and content interrelationship between a lexical element and another, known as antecedent. The students wrote their texts in class and in counseling sessions to promote reflexive and self-regulated textual decisions when modifying their writings. The compilation of texts involved the follow-up of the textual decisions to try to improve writing. The method of analysis contemplated criteria and expectations as textual categories for classification and interpretation. Results show that anaphora relationships involve grammar cohesion, contents and punctuation. The main difficulties were the incorporation and correction of information and the ambiguities in intra-textual anaphora. Intentionality was manifested in the regulation of performance and in the experimentation of compensatory strategies, when students couldn’t find solutions to certain difficulties.


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Author Biography

Ernesto Hernández Rodríguez, Instituto de Educación Media Superior del Distrito Federal, Ciudad de México

Profesor de Lengua y Literatura y Asesor de la mediateca de lenguas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Escuela Nacional Preparatoria


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