Una aplicación informática para la gestión de las plantillas léxicas del modelo-léxico construccional


  • Mª del Socorro Bernardos Galindo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Rocío Jiménez Briones Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Mª Beatriz Pérez Cabello de Alba UNED




The Lexical Constructional Model, lexical template, computational tools


Within the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM), a lexical template (LT) is a meta-entry that codifies the relevant syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic or register features of a predicate. A LT is one of the core elements in the LCM, since the other facets of meaning construction considered by this proposal (cf. traditional implicature, illocutionary meaning and discourse coherence) take templates as their starting point. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to establish the protocol for the creation of such templates, that is, we detail which elements make up the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic/register modules of each LT. Besides, two computational tools are presented. These tools help the linguist in the production of the LTs, assuring they are syntactically correct, as well as allowing us to store them in a database accessible by a user interface that facilitates querying and managing its contents.


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