System of pronunciation errors and phonetic correction an oral corpus FLE


  • Mario Tomé Díez Universidad de León



French as a foreign language, language learning, oral corpus, phonetic correction, pronunciation teaching, system of pronunciation errors


In this article we will discuss the description, organization and operation of the first oral corpus available online on the audiovisual productions of Spanish students of French as a foreign language. This set of sound sequences has allowed us to identify and compile the system of pronunciation errors of the Spanish speakers that was not available until today. The didactic consequences of this system of errors can be decisive for the practice of phonetic correction. For an efficient acquisition of pronunciation it is necessary to attend to the main difficulties and errors of the students and at the same time proceed to a simplification of the normative vowel system of French which had already been suggested by some authors. Numerous examples are proposed, accompanied by the sound files that allow us to understand the context and the process of phonetic correction that characterize the oral productions of the students. Several important improvement factors are noted (vocal warm-up, reinforcement and articulatory effort, autocorrection, collaborative corrections). The pedagogical potential of this corpus is open to the scientific and academic community for its future applications to the teaching and learning of the pronunciation of French.


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Author Biography

Mario Tomé Díez, Universidad de León

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Filología Moderna. Ha dirigido varios proyectos de investigación sobre la aplicación de las NTIC e Internet para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del francés lengua extranjera. En este marco ha creado los portales web: FLENET, Français langue étrangère et Internet (, el Campus Virtuel FLE - Universidad de León ( así como las comunidades de investigadores y docentes FLENET RedIRIS. Red académica y científica española ( y la red social educativa Campus FLE Education (


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