La adaptación metodológica de la enseñanza de lenguas al EEES: un estudio europeo


  • María Luisa Pérez Cañado Universidad de Jaén



European Higher Education Area, European Credit Transfer System, language studies, methodology


This article presents the results of the first study carried out in Europe on the adaptation of language teaching to the European Higher Education Area (ADELEEES Project, Ministry of Science and Innovation). It specifically focuses on the methodological changes which the new credit system is bringing about in all those European universities which are piloting the ECTS in language studies. After contextualizing the study within the broader framework of the Project and specifying its objectives, procedure, sample, and statistical methodology, the article goes on to describe the main outcomes of the investigation for teachers and students. It concludes by foregrounding the main conclusions and suggesting future lines of action which are especially valuable for the implementation of new language degree programs across Europe. The ultimate goal is to improve the functioning of the ECTS system with a view to guaranteeing that the decisions taken in relation to the new official university studies are based on empirical data and national and international referents.


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