Estudio sobre los abstracts de artículos de investigación informáticos: evidencialidad y modalidad textual


  • Ivalla Ortega Barrera Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Amelia Torres Ramírez Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



evidentiality, textual modality, text semantic value, genre, text stylistics


Evidentiality and textual modality are widely debated field categories within the areas of linguistics and textual stylistics. The attitude of the author towards the topic indicates its commitment with the established proposition. In this way, his attitude can have either a rational/evaluative character (objective) or an emotional/expressive character (subjective), which thus conveys the tonality of the discourse. The present paper, which forms part of the research project "Evidentiality in a multidisciplinary corpus of research papers in English" of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, focuses on the genre "abstracts of research papers applied to computer science". In this paper we will analyse two types of characteristic functions: the communicative stamp of the markers which correspond to textual modality, both objective and subjective according to their relationship with the evidential and judgement markers, and the frequency of its use in the genre we are studying.


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