Méthodologie collaborative et enseignement de la traduction à travers le module workshop de la plateforme Moodle
learning innovation, EEES, Moodle, translation didactics, collaborative methodologyAbstract
The adaptation toward a common European space for higher education improves the introduction of new methodologies and learning approaches, where the relationship between teacher and learner must be reinterpreted. The increasing development of the information society and the technical possibilities that it provides constitutes an opportunity to place the ICT and, more particularly, the resources of Web 2.0 in the service of active, even proactive, learning. Within the framework of several courses of Spanish-French translation, we developed and tested activities of collaborative work, thanks to the workshop support that the e-learning platform Moodle offers. This article aims at diffusing the objectives, the progress and the initial results of this innovative experience.Downloads
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