Fundamentos empíricos y metodológicos de una base de datos léxica de la morfología derivativa del inglés antiguo


  • Roberto Torre Alonso Universidad de La Rioja
  • Javier Martín Arista Universidad de La Rioja
  • Ana Ibáñez Moreno Ana Ibáñez Moreno
  • Elisa González Torres Universidad de La Rioja
  • Laura Caballero González Universidad de La Rioja



morphology, lexical database, description, explanation, Old English, derivation, transparency, opaqueness.


This article lays the empirical and methodological basis for the development of a lexical database that analyses the derivative morphology of Old English. After revising the state of the art; the working hypotheses are established and the descriptive principles for the analysis of tranparent as well as opaque derivation are established. Finally; a step is taken in the explanatory direction by defining the parameters of the analysis of the bases and adjunts of derivation that are relevant for explanation.


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