Ser y estar con adjetivos - Significación de las proposiciones
adjectives, signification, contextAbstract
Ser and estar: a difficult aspect of Spanish as a foreign language. This essay presents an approach that takes signification as guide line. On the one hand, the signification of ser and estar for their own cause; on the other hand the signification of the adjectives. The question is no longer what the meaning of a given adjective is with ser or with estar, but with which of the two verbs is it possible to express the unique meaning or each of the meanings of that adjective. Starting from this basis the approach considers first, the isolated meanings of the verbs and of the adjectives and, second, the resultant signification out of the relation between the two sides. If the meaning of a given adjective can be expressed by both verbs, the selection of the verb is determined by the intentionality of the speaker in the communicative context in which he negotiates. From this background on the syntactical constructions in which ser and estar appear are treated as propositions in the rhetorical and argumentative sense.Downloads
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