Hacia el EEES: cambios en metodología y evaluación en la asignatura alemán como segunda lengua en la Universitat de València (España)
German as a foreign language, methodology, assessment, ICT.Abstract
This article analyzes changes introduced in the methodology and the evaluation of German as a foreign language at the University of Valencia (Spain) in order to adapt university classes to the future European Space of Higher Education. Changes in methodology consist of an emphasis shift from theory oriented classes to the communicative use of the language. This methodological change is related to a change in the assessment system. Continuous assessment was introduced to evaluate students’ progress by means of a series of written exams, exercises, tasks and a project. ICT are being used to enhance learning inside and outside the classroom. The favourable opinions of the students gathered in a questionnaire as well as a higher percentage of students who passed the subject indicate that the innovations can be considered a success.Downloads
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