A hint of the summery goodness of green grass: a look at English descriptors in tasting notes





LSP genre, register, corpus linguistics, descriptors


Tasting descriptors, which are common terms used to describe a food product, play a significant role in tasting discourse and particularly in tasting notes. Although they have been the subject of a number of studies from different perspectives, none of them describe and classify descriptors from their form, function and combination in tasting notes in English. In this paper, we examine a corpus of tasting notes with the aim of 1. determining the positioning of English descriptors in relation to the keywords designating the tasting process; 2. scoping the depth of description, as indicated by the number of descriptors; 3. identifying if the descriptors are specific to a given aspect of the food product or are generic enough to be used to describe different aspects of it.; and 4. categorizing frequent semantic associative processed among descriptors and keywords. Our results will be a valuable resource for professionals, technical writers and students’ tasters in English.


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Author Biographies

Belén López Arroyo, Universidad de Valladolid

 Belén López-Arroyo is an Associate Professor in ESP at the University of Valladolid (Spain). Her research interests include Discourse and Genre Analysis, ESP Bilingual Phraseology and Terminology, and Translation. She is now researching on NLP to provide aids for professionals and tranlsators. She is the author of several books and articles on sensory language (Terminology, Languages in Contrast or Iberica are among the journals where her publications can be found). She is the co-editor of ES Journal. Spanish Journal of English Studies (University of Valladolid) and Co-Editor of the Special issue of IEEES Transactions on Professional communication: Building bridges between Professional Communication and Corpus Based Translation Studies (CBTS)

Lucia Sanz-Valdivieso, Universidad de Valladolid

Lucía Sanz-Valdivieso is currently a PhD candidate in the Advanced English Studies program and is a teaching assistant at the University of Valladolid (Spain). Her research is devoted to the study of sensory language and the development of digital assisted-writing tools for specialized and professional communication, with recent publications in journals such as Terminology or Iberica.


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