Caracterización de la traducción turística: problemas, dificultades


  • Isabel Durán Muñoz Universidad de Málaga



Specialised discourse, Tourist translation, Quality, Translation difficulty, Translation problem


The article aims at depicting the main translation problems and difficulties (Hurtado Albir, 2001: 288; Nord, 1991: 151) encountered in tourist translation so as to approach this specialised translation and to suggest possible solutions in order to increase the quality of tourist texts. As a result, the study is divided into several sections: firstly, a brief introduction to tourism and tourist translation from an interlingual and crosscultural viewpoint is provided. Subsequently, the concept of «quality» in translation and the parameters to reach an adequate level of quality in tourist translation are discussed to deepen this specialised translation and its features. Next, a classification of problems and difficulties of translation, according to Hurtado Albir and Nord’s definitions, is proposed and possible solutions to avoid mistakes and conflicts derived from these problems and difficulties are provided. Finally, some concluding remarks are indicated.


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