The influence of working memory and emotional intelligence on emotional expression in Spanish as a second language


  • Irini Mavrou Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
  • Fernando Bustos-López Universidad Antonio de Nebrija



working memory, emotional intelligence, emotional vocabulary, written production


The current study intended to examine the influence of working memory capacity and emotional intelligence on emotional expression in Spanish as a second language (SSL). Forty-one learners of SSL (A2 and B1 levels) carried out a writing task about an emotional topic. The global quality of their texts was assessed by means of an analytical scale, and the web-based search engine emoFinder was used in order to measure the number and valence of emotional words produced by the participants. Moreover, participants completed a self-report measure of emotional intelligence and performed three working memory tasks. The results showed an influence of emotional intelligence on written expression in SSL, a positive correlation between the quality of written expression and the number of emotional words, as well as a greater use of positive words compared to the negative ones.


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Author Biography

Irini Mavrou, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija


Departamento de Lenguas Aplicadas

Facultad de Lenguas y Educación


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