2.5D images based on reflectance information for the interpretation of architectural heritage
Architectural heritage, Imagery, Digitization, 2.5Â dimension, Graphical representationAbstract
The evolution of the different documentation and renderization techniques has made substantial improvements in the representation and preservation of cultural heritage in the last 20 years. In the field of photogrammetry, Reflectance Transformation Images (RTI) for interactive representation of the geometric properties of surfaces, are an effective tool for the interpretation and preservation of cultural heritage. The need for specific light conditions and camera positions for RTI generation, have limited its application in the field of archaeology of architecture and urbanism, and has narrowed the application to small objects such as artifacts, sculptures, inscriptions, among others. This study proposes a new workflow that eliminates the dependence on external conditions and scale for representing surfaces of architectural heritage from RTI images. This workflow starts with the three-dimensional virtual reconstruction based on photogrammetric methods and concludes with the generation of 2.5D images based on RTI. The workflow will be demonstrated using a 2.5D representation of the interior topography of the ruins of the Castle Villagarcía de Campos in Spain in order to identify undocumented historical traces.Downloads
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