Foreign Language Learning In Knowledge Forums: using a knowledge-building forum in an EFL classroom


  • Marni Manegre Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Mercè Gisbert Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Knowledge Building forums, second language acquisition, online collaborative learning, knowledge building, English as a foreign language


This paper presents the first phase of a study conducted to analyze Knowledge Building forums for evidence of second language acquisition. This study is an analysis of the posts within an existing forum in search of evidence of foreign language learning. The analysis found that the collaborative writing project shows evidence that the students passed through the stages of construction of knowledge within their foreign language classroom, however factors, such as confounding variables, inconsistencies in error types, and the small number of posts by the participants made it challenging to determine whether there is evidence of language acquisition for each student. The forum posts show evidence of knowledge acquisition, but further investigation is required to determine whether collaborative writing in knowledge forums is effective for foreign language acquisition.


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