Entrepreneurship, finance entrepreneurs and job creation: Evidence from panel data
Entrepreneurship, finance entrepreneurs, job creation, SMEs, young firms, regional analysisAbstract
Within the line of research in entrepreneurship and economic development that defends the entrepreneurial activity as a tool for job creation and activation of the economy, we will perform an empirical analysis in Spain of the relationship between the institutional environment, specifically the entrepreneurial finance variable , capital structure and growth of young firms. To this end, this study focuses on the business context of young Spanish SMEs and uses information from the GEM and SABI databases for the period 2008-2015. Using the panel data methodology, empirical evidence is provided that access to finance favors the indebtedness of young Spanish SMEs, and leverage is an explanatory factor of job creation. The data is consistent at the country and regional levels. Therefore, an institutional effort, both public and private, that facilitates financing entrepreneurs will favor the creation of employment and economic growth. The authors have contributed equally to this research.
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