Data-driven simulation methodology using DES 4-layer architecture


  • Aida Saez Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Jose P. Garcia-Sabater Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Joan Morant Llorca Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Julien Maheut EDEM Escuela de Empresarios



Data driven approach, Simulation modeling, Material handling system, Assembly plant


In this study, we present a methodology to build data-driven simulation models of manufacturing plants. We go further than other research proposals and we suggest focusing simulation model development under a 4-layer architecture (network, logic, database and visual reality). The Network layer includes system infrastructure. The Logic layer covers operations planning and control system, and material handling equipment system. The Database holds all the information needed to perform the simulation, the results used to analyze and the values that the Logic layer is using to manage the Plant. Finally, the Visual Reality displays an augmented reality system including not only the machinery and the movement but also blackboards and other Andon elements. This architecture provides numerous advantages as helps to build a simulation model that consistently considers the internal logistics, in a very flexible way.


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How to Cite

Saez, A., Garcia-Sabater, J. P., Morant Llorca, J., & Maheut, J. (2016). Data-driven simulation methodology using DES 4-layer architecture. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 7(1), 22–30.



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