The Praktikum UPV Campus: Stretching closer ties between research at the university and students in secondary school
STEM studies, project-based learning, secondary education, university, reverse service learningAbstract
The Praktikum UPV Campus is a huge internship program geared to students still in secondary education that permits them to develop a project within research groups of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Along that week, the students participating in the program document their projects in blogs. Once the projects are over they also record some videos in which they present their work and their findings. During the next year, these students presents their material to their respective classmates, still in the secondary school, showing examples of what they can already do at the university. The Praktikum UPV Campus also permits students to discover the degrees offered by the university, its facilities, and the life at the university campus.
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