Assessment of participation in higher education team working activities


  • Mª Ángeles Andreu-Andrés Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Miguel García-Casas IES La Moreria, Mislata-Valencia



Assessment, participation, team-working, rubric


Since among the competences which are most valued by engineering corporations are the ability to make decisions, the capacity for teamwork, one’s initiative and the capacity for solving problems together with an efficient communication, an experience based on active learning and team-working in which participants had to put them into practice was carried out. Before starting the experience with an active learning strategy, students had to decide on what they understood by participation in multi-task teamwork and the way to assess it in order to self-assess their own participation and evaluate their peers’ after the team-working experience; this study includes the rubric designed and tested by the participants to measure it. A quantitative analysis of the grades indicated that there were no significant differences between self and peer assessment marks except with regard to the students’ preparation time to solve the team-working multitask.


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How to Cite

Andreu-Andrés, M. Ángeles, & García-Casas, M. (2014). Assessment of participation in higher education team working activities. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 5(1), 1–14.



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