What do we know about the relationship between High Involvement Work Practices and Performance?


  • Juan A. Marin-Garcia Universitat Politècnica de València




HIWP, RRHH, Performance, SLR, Systematic literature review


Article raises several questions to identify the relationship between high involvement human resource programs (HIWP) and organizational performance: which constructs to measure?, how to measure them?, and what are the constructs prevalence?, how HIWP works ?, what are the moderating variables to consider?, and what correlation exists between the constructs? Then we analyze which of them are answered already, and which are not. This raises a possible line of work to resolve outstanding issues. The results point to a need for further research on HIWP and organizational performance relationship through cross-sectional studies. Will also give recommendations to where these contributions can be oriented to help take integrations (meta-analysis) more powerful in the future. All this, in order to open an academic debate on these issues and to provide a space where potential authors publish their research results if they decide to investigate on these lines and found no other academic publication channels they find more interesting than WPOM the journal.


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How to Cite

Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2013). What do we know about the relationship between High Involvement Work Practices and Performance?. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 4(2), 01–15. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v4i2.1552



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