Does organizational justice enhance job performance through high-performance human resource practices?


  • Ali Zeb Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Fazal Ur Rehman University of Lakki Marwat
  • Yasin Arsalan National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Muhammad Usman Khan Pak Future International



Organizational justice, Job performance, Partial Least Square structural equation modeling, PTCL


This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational justice (OJ) on job performance (JP) intention via the mediating influence of high-performance human resource practices (HPHRPs) in a developing context. Equity theory and expectancy theory are widely employed in many disciplines but seldom applied to JP among Pakistan Telecommunication Limited (PTCL)  employees. The respondents in this study were 377 employees working in PTCL. Partial least square (PLS), specifically ̣ structural equation modeling was used for the data analysis. The study found a significant direct and indirect influence of distributive justice (DJ) on JP through the partial mediating role of selective staffing (SS) and extensive training (ET). Procedural justice (PJ) also, directly and indirectly, influenced JP through the partial mediating role of the incentive reward (IR). While interactional Justice (IJ), result-oriented appraisal (ROA), employment security (ES) had an insignificant influence on JP. OJ has to be synergized with HPHRPs to enhance JP. The results of this study would also augment the body of knowledge of JP in developed and under-developing countries. OJ has to be synergized with HPHRPs to enhance JP. The results of this study would also argue the body of knowledge of JP in developed and under-developing countries.


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Author Biographies

Ali Zeb, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Faculty of Technology Management and Business

Fazal Ur Rehman, University of Lakki Marwat

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Business Management and Economics

Yasin Arsalan, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Business Management


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How to Cite

Zeb, A., Ur Rehman, F., Arsalan, Y., & Usman Khan, M. (2021). Does organizational justice enhance job performance through high-performance human resource practices?. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 12(2), 16–40.



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