Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation




protocol, problem-solving, design thinking, framework, PDCA, 8D, DMAIC, 6-sigma, process improvement, kaizen


There is a set of tools that we can use to improve the results of each of the phases that continuous improvement projects must go through (8D, PDCA, DMAIC, Double diamond, etc.). These methods use divergent techniques, which help generate multiple alternatives, and convergent techniques that help analyze and filter the generated options. However, the tools used in all those frameworks are often very similar. Our goal, in this research, is to develop a comprehensive model that allows it to be used both for problem-solving and for taking advantage of opportunities. This protocol defines the main terms related to our research, makes a framework proposal, proposes a rubric that identifies observable milestones at each stage of the model and proposes the action plan to validate this rubric and the model in a given context. The action plan will be implemented in a future research.


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Author Biographies

Juan A. Marin-Garcia, Universitat Politècnica de València

ROGLE. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas.

ResearcherID A-4069-2011 Scopus Author ID 14024595300

Julio J. Garcia-Sabater, Universitat Politècnica de València

ROGLE. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas.

Jose P. Garcia-Sabater, Universitat Politècnica de València

ROGLE. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas.

Julien Maheut, Universitat Politècnica de València

ROGLE. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas.


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How to Cite

Marin-Garcia, J. A., Garcia-Sabater, J. J., Garcia-Sabater, J. P., & Maheut, J. (2020). Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 11(2), 49–68.




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